I guess I can go on about how "lame" flower shots are, but the reality is that God made them pretty, so it's kind of hard to ignore beauty when you have a camera.
Today I got a new lens. It’s a Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 lens. I needed a higher quality lens to get wide angle shots for some of my photography clients, so this one fit the bill. I also purchased a sensor-cleaning kit and finally cleaned my dirty (for almost a year) sensor. Now I can shoot at apertures smaller than f4 without dust spots and smudges all over the place. To demonstrate, I took the above photo with my new lens.
Things I’ve learned: I’ve missed shooting at smaller apertures. I just realized that when I finally cleaned my sensor. I also love what wide angles give me with landscapes. This new lens might be the daily lens i use now, because of its wide-angle attributes and low-light abilities.
Tamron 17-50m 2.8 lens @17mm
1/250 sec
ISO 100
(tripod mounted)
I’m very happy to have beautiful children. Especially when they can tolerate their dad’s photography addiction.
Things I’ve Learned: I saw a photo several months ago, and wanted to copy the look of it. To do so, I had to go back and learn and understand a few things, as this particular photo involves techniques with exposure compensation and tricky light metering. Sometimes it pays to do your research before trying an idea. I actually have several similar pictures from this shoot, but found this one to be the most interesting to share.
Canon 30D w/50mm 1.4 lens @50mm
1/30 sec
ISO 1000
I actually took this photo a while ago, but only now, after some post-processing did I find it to my liking.. This was shot near the school where I work.
Things I’ve learned: Don’t be too hasty to delete old pictures. Sometimes you can learn a new editing technique that can bring an old photo alive. I guess as a tool to further enable you to capture the vision you had when you took it.
Canon 30D w/70-200mm lens @200mm
ISO 100
I don’t expect to win any photography awards for this photo, since it was done as an experiment in testing. What was I testing? The highest ISO setting on my camera (3200). This was done to see how well I could control the digital noise if I ever dared attempt to shoot at this setting for more collectible shots.
What I’ve learned: Adobe Lightroom 3’s noise reduction improvements are just plain amazing. I pretty much considered my camera’s highest ISO setting unusable until now. This software has changed the game for me in terms of what is doable in low-light. Look for more posts at this setting, since I am going to put it through the ringer for the next several days to see how it holds up in a couple of other settings.
Canon 30D w/70-200mm lens @ 200mm
1/800 sec
ISO 3200 (!!!)
Thanks go to God for providing just enough light and fog this morning to enable me to get this shot. I’m a fan of minimalist photography, so this one really appealed to my senses.
Things I’ve learned: Rushing doesn’t work in photography. I took some other photos of a different scene and wound up tossing them. I was in a hurry, and pulling over on a foggy road with no shoulder on the crest of a hill isn’t the safest thing to do. Those shots were taken without checking my settings, and I ended up with a 1600 ISO image at f/8 shooting almost right into the sunlight. The results were lousy, but in my haste I was too overwhelmed to stop and think about the right settings that I needed to capture my vision.
Canon 30D w/ 50mm 1.4 lens @50mm
1/3200 sec
ISO 100
I’ll be the first to admit that this is not really the best photo I’ve ever taken. I’ve been experimenting with self-portraits, and this is what I came up with when the free time was there.
Things I’ve learned: Sometimes you just gotta live with mediocrity. Not every day is going to be be your best, but its the trying and the inspiration and drive that will eventually lead you to a new opportunity for something great.
Canon 30D w/ 50mm 1.4 lens @ 50mm
1/60 sec
ISO 400