Monday, October 31, 2005

Links and Thoughts #4

Thought: Sorry for the delay on the latest post, for all 0.5 of you who actually read this. I was out of town for the weekend.

Need to find some good uses for duct tape but run out of ideas? Check these out:

Interesting little blog with some facts about how crappy things are with electricity:

Click here to read the blog

Did you grow up playing video games? If so, then you must read this article:

read article here

Still have a tape recorder? Is it big and bulky? Compare it with the first videotape recorder ever:

Kicking it really old school

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Links and Thoughts #3

Why is this news? And why did I post it on my blog..oh well. If you really care about running out of names for hurricanes, this link is for you:

Click here for the article

This is something you should read if you have problems remember names like I do. Seriously, just what was their name...?

Click here for the article

$150 computer? Yes, its true:

Click here for the article

Not that I plan on doing it myself, but its interesting to see why other people think that Linux is better than the alternatives:

Click here for the article

From a guy who himself seems to be a Microsoft Basher, here is an interesting article on Media Bias with Technology Reporting:

Click here for the article

This is one of the coolest time-lapse videos I've ever seen. It tracks the development of this 2005 season of hurricanes. Simply amazing:

Click here for the article

Thought: This season is proving to be one of the least exciting sports seasons for me. No interesting baseball drama, the NFL has been turned upside down with hurricane influence, immoral boat parties, and long-time crappy teams doing great. And will somebody let me know when the hockey season starts? Oh wait, it did? Don't get me wrong, I'm still paying attention, but its just not as exciting.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Links and Thoughts #2

short video of the forth-coming JAVA Operating system

thought: Dear PC World. Can you publish just one edition of your magazine that doesn't have a huge article on either spyware, viruses, or windows secrets that you act like nobody knows?

great commentary on "microsoft innovation", from a PC World columnist. He's harsh, but a lot of what he says makes sense.

Steven Manne's Commentary

test out the linux Operating System in your browser...very, very cool!!!

John C. Dvorak sounds off on Microsoft's Incompetent Operating System:

Dvorak Commentary

Interesting concept on document filling for people who need better organization. Never tried it, but it looks like a good idea to try if I can ever get organized to do it... :-)

Tips to speed up your computers booting time (mostly for windows xp):

Windows Boot Speed Tips

thought: Is there anybody out there that uses Windows and likes it? Every article I read these days is a rant against them. Interesting, considering that they probably write their rants using a windows machine (credit for thought on that goes to Paul Fink). Even a recent pc world article was talking about "alternative operating systems" and discussed a Mac. Why? You would think that a magazine that is solely about PC's would stay away from Mac info. Maybe the writers DO use macs?

Like the new look? Let me know. Also, report any bad links to me, so they can be corrected. Thanks!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Links and Thoughts #1

Oh no, not another browser! Can't they just fix the ones we have??? Just kidding. This browser takes a different approach than all of the others. Particuarly in areas of social networking of bookmarks and stuff. Its called "Flock". Check out the article

Flock Article

Hate spam? Want to sign up for a service, but don't want stupid junk mail in your already-bombarded e-mail inbox? How about a disposable e-mail address. Yep, that's right disposable addresses are temporary and allow you to "use it and lose it" Check out a list of services that provide them.

Disposable E-mail account services

If you use firefox, and REALLY want to speed it up, check out this extension. I've not tried it myself, but the reviews are unanimous that it makes a huge difference in the speed of your browser. Now if only somebody could figure out a way to speed up the actualy launching of firefox. I swear it seems like hours when I first start it up in the morning. Must run on deisel or something. Update: I've tried it and it WORKS!!! Very fast indeed!!

Does the RIAA have any friends? Now they are suing satellite radio companies as well. I've heard that they will soon be suing individuals who hum any copyright protected tune while walking down the street.

RIAA to sue sattelite radio providers

Ok, so these are nerdy quotes, but if you like nerdy quotes, check them out. They are funny enough to rattle the pens out of your pocket protector.

Read them here

Random thoughts:

-Hockey started its season again last night...did anybody who's not wearing a Hockey Jersey at least 3 times a week notice?

-You know that people have blind spots when the media talks about how the Steelers will play better on Monday with a more prepared offensive line...uh, does anybody happen to be aware that our secondary has sucked for like 10 years or something? I give up. What's the point?

-So Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are having a baby...that's about as relevant to my life as saying, "Somewhere out in a swamp, a crocodile just ate two of its newborn offspring for dinner".

-If you have dial-up and still surf the internet, be aware that most of what the web can now be used for has passed you by completely. Other than viewing websites and reading e-mail, you've reached your limit. Just thought I'd share.

-George Bush really hasn't said anything much different in the past year or so about our presence in Iraq or the war on terror. I get why we are there ,but I don't get why some of us are so dumb that we need 70 speeches from him to explain why we are there.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A little change in the direction of this blog.

The other day I read a very informative article on blogs and how they work. My first impression was that blogs were merely online diaries or commentaries on things. I've found that that is true in one case. Some people consider a blog to be more of an informative listing of interesting links with some commentary.

My blog has mostly been personal thoughts, with the occasional link or two. I'm going to turn that direction towards linking towards informative articles and commentaries that I encounter throughout the day. I hope that those who read this blog will find the links and minor commentaries a refreshing change from the drab and borrng opinions I've been spewing for about a year now. Of course, I will still comment on any interesting news in my pesonal life, but as a whole this blog is about to take another direction. Stay tuned, all you readers, for a new look and content.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday Morning Football Thoughts Week 4

Umm..uhh..there was football on? Sorry. The Steelers had a bye and there weren't any interesting matchups, so I ended up watching, well no football. Couldn't get into it. However, my thoughts about the results:

Cincinatti, Tampa Bay, Washington, and the Colts are undefeated....there's something really wrong about all of this. Kind of like some sort of reverse dream that shouldn't be happening. Cincinatti is offically on my "Scary teams the Steelers have to play" list. Speaking of which, the Chargers are now on the list, after a gigantic pummeling of the Patriots. Give the Pats some credit, they had no Rodney Harrison. THe WERE however, at home, which you would have thought might help them...not at all.

After watching Pittsburgh lose to New England, I'm kind of doubtful about their ability against the good teams. I'm just hoping that they can hold their own against what seems to be a new NFC North Juggernaut, Cincinatti Bengals. If they can defeat the Chargers this coming Monday night, it might sway my faith.

On a non-football related note, my brother Donovan is getting married in Cleveland this coming Saturday. I think I'm feeling as surreal as he probably is right now. Never pictured him having a wedding and getting married. Its a neat thing. I'm in the wedding, and very glad to be a part of it.