Monday, June 20, 2005

The NBA Finals (Game 5)

I got home late, and thought: "Bummer, I'm missing Game 5". But then something in my brain said, "Remember the last couple of games? They were crap. Just go to bed." and so I did. Then I woke up this morning and got the highlights, just to find out that the game went great with overtime play and a win by 1 point. Of course, at first I thought: "Darn, I missed a good game." But then I realized something: I will probably miss any of the games that are good. They all go way later than I am willing to stay up, so I'll probably never see the end of any of them. Thank whoever planned the schedule on that one. Either way, it doesn't matter. I'm sure life won't be any different if I see the games or not. So let this be my last entry on the NBA for the season, unless I somehow mistakenly catch a game this week.

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