Saturday, March 20, 2010

I've got a project, and I need your help.

So now that I know some of you are actually reading this blog, I've endeavored to find a good series of topics to post on. After much deliberation, I've come up with an idea: A 365 Photo-a-Day project. I've been wanting to do this for some time, but didn't know how I could keep myself accountable. That is where you, my readers, come in. If I am not posting regularly, please give me a poke in the ribs in the comments. I've heard that this kind of project can be difficult to keep up, which is why I'll need your help.

 I'm going to be posting a photo a day with a little background on each photo. Probably most of the pictures won't be too inspiring, but the idea is to keep shooting, and from this process I will also be sharing what I've learned along the way. Perhaps you can glean something from this journey too. Anyways, I'm going to go out today and get a shot of something, so be on the lookout for something to kick off 3/20/2010.

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