In other news, with windows Vista now on the horizon and scheduled for launch on January 30th of 2007, I will be soon ordering a copy for evaluation. Our school is building a new facility which will have two computer labs. We'll be equipping each lab with new machines and, if Vista turns out to be decent, new operating systems as well. It should be quite an interesting adventure this summer, as we try and take partial occupancy of the new building with our high school.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Entry for 12/20/06
In other news, with windows Vista now on the horizon and scheduled for launch on January 30th of 2007, I will be soon ordering a copy for evaluation. Our school is building a new facility which will have two computer labs. We'll be equipping each lab with new machines and, if Vista turns out to be decent, new operating systems as well. It should be quite an interesting adventure this summer, as we try and take partial occupancy of the new building with our high school.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Entry for 11/28/06
“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
It has seemed to me fit and proper that [the gifts of God] should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged with one heart and one voice by the whole American people. I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens . . . to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens.” –Abraham Lincoln
Friday, November 10, 2006
So here I am at this conference... (Entry for 11/10/06)
Right now I'm taking advantage of the free wireless access here at the hotel where the conference is to write this blog. Its very encouraging to see that there are so many Christian School teachers out there with a desire to learn and enhance their teaching skills. Sometimes I think that Christian Schools get a reputation for having teachers that are too under-qualified to be a public school teacher. While that might be the case in some schools (even public), its good to see that these teachers have not only a passion for what they do as teachers, but also a passion and sacrificial desire to serve God as well.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Entry for 11-6-06
I've decided to try out a few services I've been meaning to look at. One of them is Xdrive, which is a service of AOL. Despite my loathing of AOL in general, I'm really curious as to how useful it will be having 5 Gigs of online storage space at my fingertips. We'll see I guess. If you are curious, check out the service for yourself (
My job is getting kind of interesting as of late. We've finally gotten internet access down at this building (as you can see), and now I'm into the challenge of investigating some good content filtering software, as well as learning to how service and administer a windows 2003 server (of which I stink at). Needless to say, if it weren't for good friends 'In the know', I'd be really in bad shape.
Well, enough blabbing.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Latest update
Right now things are beginning to work out. We've finally gotten into our new home, which we love. I'm learning a routine at home and feeling pretty confident about the one at work. I've getting time to be online more often (although I don't think I'll ever be online like I was for the past two years). This basically means that I have no interesting links to blog about right now, however I will continue to try and find items of interest to share with you all. There may only be one or two readers of this thing, but that's enough to keep me writing either way.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Where have I been?
-Started working with Hershey Christian School on July 17th. Process began with taking inventory and evaluating the hardware situation. I'm still in the proccess of analysis, but things are improving.
-Tried out Ubuntu Linux on my compaq laptop for two weeks. I would have to say that it was quite an initial learning curve, but it ended up being very nice to work with. However, having lived in a windows environment for pretty much all of my post-college life, I could not find ways to avoid using Microsoft software. In fact, the issues with wireless networking, printer compatibility, and other things just led me to give it up. I'd have to say that if I had lots of time, I'd probably still be running Linux right now. I just don't have the time nor the energy to invest into it.
-I've acquired a new laptop computer through my job. Being the IT Director gives me some priveleges of having a laptop. The machine is really cool. Its an HP Compaq nx7400 15.4" widescreen with 1 GB of RAM, an 80GB HD, and an Intel 1.83 Core Duo processor. This laptop has made things so easy for me in terms of managing all the 1 billion tasks I now have to do.
-We're moving. We sold our house and settle on it at the end of August. We found an old fixer-upper in the city with more square footage, and some charm. We'll be moving into that sometime in September, if all goes well. Between the new job and the move, there's plenty to keep me
Thursday, July 13, 2006
On my way out (goodby programming, hello teaching!)
I get the opportunity to start work at Hershey Christian School on Monday (July 17th) rather than waiting any longer. This is great news considering I need to not only learn the setup of computers at the school, order equipment and set it up for a 3rd computer lab, but also orient myself with new curriculum and staff and also have my lesson plans in order. Yes, I'd say that getting started right away will be a good thing.
As for Weidenhammer. Can't say it wasn't a blast...yes I can...and it wasn't.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Just Bloggin' Nonsense
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Deactivated and loving it
The GOOD news is that I have been accepted to be the computer and technology teacher at Hershey Christian School. I get to be a teacher again! I can't even express my happiness with this. The fact that God has given me the opportunity to get back into the job I feel most confident in, and love the most. Its not Spanish, however i would think that my passion for technology currently exceeds my passion for Spanish. However, what really matters is what my greatest passion is, and that is teaching.
Why did I leave teaching? I didn't hate it. I chose to change careers as an opportunity to move back to PA and start a family. I also wanted to somehow use my computer degree before it became obselete. Now I'm able to use both my teaching AND computer degree. This is gonna be good...:-)
Monday, June 26, 2006
One of the best articles I've read in a while
PS: Please allot yourself about 10 minutes to read it as it is lenghty. Feel free to leave your comments on this blog, or e-mail me with what you think.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Here's one for T-Dawg
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Our Stupid Citizens
What is our world coming to? When does a mother has the right to sue a website because her child posted personal information about herself on the internet which eventually led to her meeting up with the guy and being sexually assulted? Her case? She claims that MySpace lacks security measures to protect teenagers from predators. That's like suing the city because I walk into a known crime area and get mugged. It makes no sense. I think that people these days expect their children to be immune from dangers without their help. I've got a better solution for this mother: START BEING A RESPONSIBLE PARENT!!!!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Helment laws and other stuff
I suffered through my first experience with a pipe this past weekend. I have never smoked anything in my life, and really had no curiosity to until recently. The good news about smoking pipes and cigars is that you don't inhale the smoke and so, unless you would do it reguarlly, its not harmful. I've always thought that pipe tobacco smells okay, but let me alert those of you who have never smoked a pipe that it definitely doesn't taste like it smells. Particuarlly the stuff I tried..I think that it was called, Marijuana...haha...just kidding. Needless to say, despite the new experience, i don't see myself buying a pipe and tobacco anytime soon. Its just not my thing.
I bought a bb/pellet gun the other day as well. I bought it mainly to take out the bunnies in my back yard. However, I'm finding it hard to kill what I would consider a harmless little creature. I shot one the other day with a bb and a few pumps of the gun, just to make it run away. However, after watching it limp away in confusion and pain, I've decided to just use the gun for recreational target practice, which harms nothing but my pride of being able to shoot straight.
Work has been pretty busy for me lately. I hate it. I want to quit. I'm hoping to get back into teaching, where I feel my gifts and abilities are better used. I'm just not cut out to live the life of a programmer. I'm too much of a social person. I also enjoy helping and working with others. I just can't do that in an environment where I sit all day and type into a computer for 8 hours. Like the pipe smoking experience: Its just not for me.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Post for 5/23/06
Anyways, here's a link to a cool piece of software called visual task tips. It allows you to enjoy a future feature of Windows vista, where you can hover your mouse over the open program buttons in your taskbar and get a small thumbnail of what the program looks like. This becomes really useful when you have a lot of windows open at once: Visual Task Tips Web Site
If you are into photography, particuarly digital photography, and would like to learn more about some neat tips and suggestions to bring out your camera's ability, as well as your own. Check out this blog: Digital Photography School
Anybody looking for some great tools for organization that are available online, I've been finding my life to be extremely productive with the following tools:
Gmail: an online e-mail client thats quick, easy, well-organized, and holds 2 Gigs of e-mails.
Google Calendar (GCal): Possibly the best online calendar application I've ever seen. It allows additons of multiple calendars, e-mail, sms, and popup notifications, daily agenda e-mails, etc.
Tada list: this is a recent application I've found useful in helping me to manage my work projects. Its as simple as it gets for a ToDo list, and its free (just like the above applications).
There are other online applications that I've found either useful or beneficial to me. I'll share more about them later in another posting. What about you? Are there any online (web-based) applications that you rely on for productivity and organization? Feel free to share.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Entry for 5-11-06
Personal thoughts:
-(for Tim): The NBA playoffs are in full swing right now. As of this year, I've not watched a single game and I still feel great!!!
- I think that success can be measured by the satisfaction one gets from his work alone. Despite the pay or perks of the job. If you only love your job for the pay and the perks alone, then you don't really love your job.
-Making yourself vulnerable and asking for help is the quickest way to acheivement in anything. Doing neither can be the quickest way to failure.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!!
Friday, April 28, 2006
How many of you read this?
Is there anything about this article that bothers you?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Another Firefox Experience/Experiment
For now, I can report that I've run into some issues that I had thought were initially belonging to Firefox, but actually could be attributed to some of the extensions that I had installed. This extension made websited load funny or not at all, and basically took away the cursor when I clicked in any textbox on a form. Very weird. It seems as though the crappy memory hogging issues are still there. From what I've read so far, the 1.5 series of releases has caused a lot of dissappointments among Firefox enthusiasts in relation to the memory issues and stability overall. The good news for them is that a newer version is already in Alpha, so perhaps it will redeem these issues a bit.
On a final note about this. I've decided to do my experiment using "Portable Firefox" rather than the regular one. This way, its easier to restore it if an extension messes things up.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Fun with Gas?
Monday, April 17, 2006
Somewhere I'd never want to be
Here's a place I'd never want to be:
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Entry for 4-5-06
Here's a good idea, being implemented terribly.
Movies to be available for downloading and owning
Begin Rants and Info:
-From what I've been told, its April. But it seems that somebody didn't get the memo, because I had to drive to work in violent snow squalls this morning. I've thought of a new name for Pennsylvania that will suit us better: Canada.
- I bought a 19" LCD viewsonic Monitor for my computer. All I can say is "WOW!". After using a refurbished 17" CRT monitor with scratches on the screen that I found on eBay for about 4 years now, this is a nice upgrade.
- Never underestimate the benefits and luxuries of spending a little money on a comfortable computer mouse.
-If you keep a baby in the bathtub long enough, they WILL poop.
-Don't you hate when you have a pile of money and...nevermind, that never happens to me.
End Rants and Info:
All 1.75 of you who actually read my blog might wonder why I really only post tech news articles on here. The reason, in my opinion, is because tech news usually doesn't depress me and make me feel paranoid about plane trips and government corruption. I like to keep my life happy, so introducing it to too much politics or stories of exploitation and crime in our world just brings a brother down. To that end i try to stay on top of things where I'm more qualified to make an opinion.
4-6-06 Edit
Uhh...Because this is EXACTLY what I want to do with excess toilet water:
Here is a good FAQ I found on running windows on a Mac...the trendiest thing going these days for geeks:
What I find interesting is how much emphasis people put on "support" for windows xp...give me a break. This operating system has been around forever. If you need "support" for windows xp, then you either have not operated a computer in the past 5 years, or you have no idea what you are doing. Not once in my entire life did I ever consider, or know anyone else who has considered calling "windows technical support". There are so many forums, FAQ's and all-around windows "experts" freely available that it doesn't make sense to need support for such a tried and true OS. Just weird, in my opinion.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Entry for 3/31/06
In celebration of Apple's 30th anniversary, Wired Magazine online put out a 3 page collection of great quotes by Apple co-founder and brilliant innovator, Steve Jobs. They are certainly worth the read, Apple fan or not:,70512-0.html
And here is yet another article questioning the genius of Apple as a company. Some very good points raised here.
Somebody attempted to make their own Mac Media Computer "homebrew" style. To re-quote on one of the comments for this thing: "Mission failed." Check out the ghastly pic of it here:
PCWorld has rounded up 101 great freebies available on the internet for that inner cheapskate in all of us. Some very good choices on this list. Well done, PCWorld:,aid,124883,pg,5,00.asp
And in sports news, Verone Haynes signed a two year contract with the Steelers. Haynes happens to be one of my most favorite "behind the scenes" players for Pittsburgh. While he doesn't play that much, I think he's actually a lot better at what he does than people think. He's certainly got the power to get the ball through the line, etc. Way to go Pittsburgh on another smart move in the offseason.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Entry for 3/22/06
Microsoft delays Vista yet again. I can picture Steve Jobs, and the rest of the competition to MS greedily rubbing their hands together at this latest announcement. Its just hard to ignore the fact that, despite its dominance and popularity, Microsoft has now dropped the ball accross the board with their product launches (Origami), Innovation (IE7), and Operating Systems. This continuing spiral into unpopularity can mean nothing good for the Giant in the Northwest. Here are a couple of CNET articles responding to the news:
Perspective: Vista delay is back to the future for Redmond
Vista delay could sting PC makers
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Entry for 3/21/06
Some thinks just go way beyond geeky and meticulouse. Take this software that allows you to track and analyze sleep patters for your newborn. From experience I can tell you that people with newborns just don't have time to mess around with something like this. Here's the link to check out for yourself:
The REAL Google Beta (from 1998):
Monday, March 13, 2006
Funny Stuff
This comic strip I found this morning kind of sums up how I feel about the whole trend of things with Apple. I actually like Apple's innovation, and think that they are an interesting company to follow. However, I think a lot of people take that a little too far. Check out the parody here:
Monday, March 06, 2006
An Article Worth Reading
Read the article here.
Friday, March 03, 2006
The problem with Apple Fans and the Recent Announcements
I don't necessarily agree. While I think that the iPod Hi-Fi is pretty lame, and so are the 100 dollar leather iPod cases, I don't think that the problem had anything to do with what Apple did. Its more of what the fans and the Press was expecting. They let themselves down. Let's review how this all started:
About two weeks ago, Apple sent out a letter to the press basically saying "Come and see some fun new products on February 28th." That's all it said. Now, with plenty of time between the letter and the moment of truth, speculations on what the event was about went berzerk. People were dreaming up the most magnificent ideas about new iPods, ibooks, etc. Nobody had a clue, but their imaginations were nowhere near being curbed at all.
Then the day the event comes and Steve Jobs comes out all exicted, and announces a new Intel Mac Mini, a leather iPod case, and an overpriced speaker for an iPod. People were bummed. So bummed because despite Apple being excited about what they were offering, the people's curiosity was not gratified. The results: mass grumbling against Jobs and Apple.
People were claiming things like "Its Apple's fault that it is a flop because they 'hyped it up' by keeping it a secret." Uh, not really. The hype came from the Press and the fans. I'll use the following allusion for my example:
Let's say that you are a small boy wanting a bike for Christmas. Your parents come home one day all excited and telling you that they can't wait to see you open your gift from them. You suddenly start dreaming up ideas about how great the gift will be. Could it be a new bike? Maybe an xbox 360? Your mind wanders while your heart races in anticipation for Christmas day. Christmas day comes along and your parents, still excited, hand you a present. You open it, and it turns out to be a football, not a bike, Xbox, etc. Are your parents at fault? They were excited with what they got for you. They figured you'd be excited too, but you weren't. Is that their fault or yours?
I think that the Press and Apple fans who felt let down are like that boy. They dreamed up all kinds of ideas on getting something dreamy, like a 10lb iPod that microwaves your lunch and can make you fly. But instead they got a "football".
Honestly, if people had not been speculating, they wouldn't not have been burned by their own expectations. That being said, it is clear to see that Apple did nothing wrong.
And the moral is: Stop acting like a spoiled child and go play with your football!!! :-)
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Attack [on] the Mac!!!
Here are two very interesting articles about Mac Security and the recent attacks against them. Although it looks like Macs are still safer, it also looks like people are now starting to turn their attention over to the challenge of exploiting this undiscovered territory of Mac vulnerabilities. Both very good articles by Larry Seltzer of eWeek.,1895,1928716,00.asp
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Entry for 2/21/05
This is just too funny to make it wait. I've heard about it, but getting the chance to see the pic makes it even funnier.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Entry for 2/16/06
This article touches on something that is so very, very true about communication over the internet.,70179-0.html?tw=rss.index
Optical Illusions are pretty cool. These pictures take that to a whole different level with using simple paint in the right places:
A Lot of people don't even know how to drive their cars, and yet somehow we feel compelled in inventing technology so that they can fly them???
Finally, I heard this morning that last night's episode of American Idol received much better ratings than the Winter Olympics. Not a surprise really. Americans want to be entertained. They want to be entertained when THEY want it. Not when the network wants it. NBC holds up all of the good coverage until later on in the evening, and after most people have exhausted their ability to stay up. Add that to the fact that the results are easily discovered on the internet or the local news. Not much entertainment coming from the Olympics with all of that against it.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Entry for 2/7/06
Well, this weekend will certainly prove to be interesting. On the agenda: A solo trip to New Castle, PA where I will engage in hours of co-op video game play with my cousin Ryan, A two hour coffee house concert singing and playing guitar, and of course witnessing the Pittsburgh Steelers battle the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL with my Steeler-fan friends.
But enough about me. Check out this cool Beta software that pretty much allows any windows user to get the "Expose'" feature available on the Mac. I like it, except for the fact that it is a Beta version with limited configurability. Its called, "Small Windows", and it allows you to view all of your currently opened windows in thumbnail form. Here's the link to it:
...ok, since this is delayed, I'll catch everyone up. The weekend went very well. The Steelers won the Super Bowl...WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! And I had fun showing a handful of people my incompetence at using a tamborine. Ryan and I finally defeated our video game too.
On that software, its VERY buggy. I finaly uninstalled it today, after I found it just getting in the way and being too buggy to use. I thought that I'd use it more, but my old habits of using a taskbar are too hard to break. Oh well. It is still worth looking into if you have the time and patience.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Entry for 1/30/06
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Father and Daughter celebrate Steeler Championship victory

Friday, January 20, 2006
Entry for 1/20/06
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Entry for 1/11/06
ThinkFree Office Online it turns out that Apple dropped an Intel chip into its products a whole 6 months earlier than predicted. That's awesome. While I am not anywhere near in the market to buy a Mac and make the switch (it would be hard to justify dropping 1,000 bucks on a computer when you already have 2 working computers already), I am keeping my eyes and ears open tight for feedback on this new change. I'm also curious to see what windows Vista is like when it finally comes out in the year 3015. It will be interesting to compare the two operating systems.
My website (not my blog, but actual website) is becoming an issue in the back of my mind. It seems to consistently be way out of date with pictures and news. I have yet to write a smooth interface for updating any of it. Not only that, but Meg is taking pictures at a pace too insane to keep up with. I am going to need to get myself into a project of re-writing the programming on our website to allow her to do picture uploads and content editing. This way I can at least get both of us keeping the content active. Now, if I can only find the time to do this... :-)