Monday, November 06, 2006

Entry for 11-6-06

Well, its official: The Pittsburgh Steelers have now tied up the noose real tight and kicked out the chair from underneath. The scary fact is that the past two games were really lost when they defeated themselves. It makes no sense why a football team would consistently gain over 400 yards of offense and somehow manage to lose a game. I do believe that as of this writing, Big Ben leads the league in interceptions. Oh well, at least I have a fantasy league to be excited about.

I've decided to try out a few services I've been meaning to look at. One of them is Xdrive, which is a service of AOL. Despite my loathing of AOL in general, I'm really curious as to how useful it will be having 5 Gigs of online storage space at my fingertips. We'll see I guess. If you are curious, check out the service for yourself (

My job is getting kind of interesting as of late. We've finally gotten internet access down at this building (as you can see), and now I'm into the challenge of investigating some good content filtering software, as well as learning to how service and administer a windows 2003 server (of which I stink at). Needless to say, if it weren't for good friends 'In the know', I'd be really in bad shape.

Well, enough blabbing.

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