Monday, November 19, 2007

Oh The Times, they are a Changin'

It has finally transpired. We knew it eventually would. We've had our computer for almost 6 years now. Just about every component inside has been replaced or upgraded. When the CPU fan went on it a few months ago, I had a feeling that we'd be needing a replacement some day.   Finally, when Meg told me that the computer was randomly restarting on her, I knew that its days were numbered. We had over 20 GB of photos, several GB of music files, and other important docs and items that were not worth losing. So we did it. We bought a new computer. Not just any computer. This was to be a computer that matched our current lifestyle. It also had to fit our budget. So here it is: We ordered a new Mac Mini from Apple. It is now hurtling its way towards our address from California (so says the Fed Ex tracking site).  Stay tuned for futher reviews, thoughts and editorials on this new plunge into the unknown. Although, if we can base what we know on what our myriad of Mac-crazed friends tell us, we're going to be very happy with our decision. Now where's that kool-aid that Steve Jobs sent me...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Making the switch, eh? I'm sure you'll love the new Mac mini!

Happy Thanksgiving!