Monday, October 31, 2005

Links and Thoughts #4

Thought: Sorry for the delay on the latest post, for all 0.5 of you who actually read this. I was out of town for the weekend.

Need to find some good uses for duct tape but run out of ideas? Check these out:

Interesting little blog with some facts about how crappy things are with electricity:

Click here to read the blog

Did you grow up playing video games? If so, then you must read this article:

read article here

Still have a tape recorder? Is it big and bulky? Compare it with the first videotape recorder ever:

Kicking it really old school


Anonymous said...

The duck tape is the coolest link you've had so far. I am sreiously thinking about bookmarking it!

On a seperate note: I really miss the angry, bitter, white man routine you used to have on the this sight. Do you think he'll be back soon? Do you think a few steeler loses will bring him out of retirement?

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

which half of me were you refering too? I only count as half?

Al Jurina said...

I've been working on a bitter black man routine, but I've had a few hang-ups with that. Besides, God gives too much grace to be bitter for very long. And I've decided that an online journal of interesting links might prove more useful to people than my lame complaining. I still insert my thoughts now and again. Just not as much. :-)