Friday, October 14, 2005

Links and Thoughts #2

short video of the forth-coming JAVA Operating system

thought: Dear PC World. Can you publish just one edition of your magazine that doesn't have a huge article on either spyware, viruses, or windows secrets that you act like nobody knows?

great commentary on "microsoft innovation", from a PC World columnist. He's harsh, but a lot of what he says makes sense.

Steven Manne's Commentary

test out the linux Operating System in your browser...very, very cool!!!

John C. Dvorak sounds off on Microsoft's Incompetent Operating System:

Dvorak Commentary

Interesting concept on document filling for people who need better organization. Never tried it, but it looks like a good idea to try if I can ever get organized to do it... :-)

Tips to speed up your computers booting time (mostly for windows xp):

Windows Boot Speed Tips

thought: Is there anybody out there that uses Windows and likes it? Every article I read these days is a rant against them. Interesting, considering that they probably write their rants using a windows machine (credit for thought on that goes to Paul Fink). Even a recent pc world article was talking about "alternative operating systems" and discussed a Mac. Why? You would think that a magazine that is solely about PC's would stay away from Mac info. Maybe the writers DO use macs?

Like the new look? Let me know. Also, report any bad links to me, so they can be corrected. Thanks!!!


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Well done!
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