Thursday, October 20, 2005

Links and Thoughts #3

Why is this news? And why did I post it on my blog..oh well. If you really care about running out of names for hurricanes, this link is for you:

Click here for the article

This is something you should read if you have problems remember names like I do. Seriously, just what was their name...?

Click here for the article

$150 computer? Yes, its true:

Click here for the article

Not that I plan on doing it myself, but its interesting to see why other people think that Linux is better than the alternatives:

Click here for the article

From a guy who himself seems to be a Microsoft Basher, here is an interesting article on Media Bias with Technology Reporting:

Click here for the article

This is one of the coolest time-lapse videos I've ever seen. It tracks the development of this 2005 season of hurricanes. Simply amazing:

Click here for the article

Thought: This season is proving to be one of the least exciting sports seasons for me. No interesting baseball drama, the NFL has been turned upside down with hurricane influence, immoral boat parties, and long-time crappy teams doing great. And will somebody let me know when the hockey season starts? Oh wait, it did? Don't get me wrong, I'm still paying attention, but its just not as exciting.


Anonymous said...

What you need to add some excitement to your sports viewing life is NBA fantasy basketball. That's right, it's Da League and it's huge where I am from!

Al Jurina said...


So I guess its huge in outer space on the planet Yeahwhatever? :-)