This morning the nation learned that NY City will NOT be hosting the 2012 Olympic games. It appears that a recent poll of New Yorkers has revealed more of a sigh of relief. Now they won't have to deal with epic porportions of gridlock traffic, and serious security lock-down issues. From what most people are saying, despite its grandeur in the past, the Olympics don't quite have the appeal to Americans as it used to. Reasons being that now, without a cold-war, we no longer have a big rivalry with Russia, and that most of the major sports in the olympics are not as big in the U.S., as they are in the rest of the World. They say that for most other countries, the Olympic celebration lasts for weeks. Its a grandeur sporting event. For Americans, its little more than a two-week entertainment venue.
NFL training camp for the 2005 season begins in about a month. I can't wait. Baseball season just drags out too long to keep my interests, and golf just isn't a sport most people can follow week by week. BRING ON THE FOOTBALL!!!
I'm going to start riding my bike again. I'm going to try and commit to a plan of getting up every morning at 5am and biking two miles around my neighborhood. If I somehow find the willpower to do this, two things will happen for my benefit: 1. I'll lose weight, which is something I've been wanting to do for the past 2 years. 2. I'll start my day with some exercise, which is sorely needed. I sit all day long at work as a programmer.
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