Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Making the World a Better Place

I was listening to a quote from an astronaut today, talking about the launching of the space shuttle. The news was that the shuttle launch was delayed due to repairs, etc. What struck me was how he mentioned that they were eager to get back to doing their jobs and "making the world a better place". Excuse me? So, sending an astronaut into outer space to examine rocks and study radio waves is going to someday prevent massacres in Kenya, and feed the starving in India, and save unborn children from being aborted? Maybe it will stop the terrorist attacks? Nah. None of that. But perhaps they might find a new moon rock that could prove that the moon used to be a part of the Earth or something. And then maybe I can take that moon rock and throw it at their head. Sorry, call me when your billions of dollars in expenses pay for themselves or for things a little bit more crucial saving lives and promoting peace.


Anonymous said...

In the blogg you sound like you're a bitter and frustrated man. You need to spend less time sitting in 222 traffic and more time relaxing with your family.
NASA is pushing the limits in scientific study of God’s creation. We learn more about the creator by looking at his creation. We also have developed cool things like TANG and satellite radio. Let’s face it… I need a new breakfast drink!

Al Jurina said...

There's much to be bitter about when people spend more money on space exploration and collecting moon rocks than they do on the suffering and needy. I think our society needs to keep its priorities in the right order. I don't doubt many would agree with me. We can learn more about God by loving others and investing our resources to help those in need.