Thursday, March 17, 2005

Nevermind, I'm off the fence.

I wrote my last entry on the eve of doing the necessary research on the benefits of buying an Imac Mini. After reading several very informative articles, I've been convinced that this sort of investment would serve no good purpose. Being a long-dedicated PC user, I think that it would be too much of a hassle to add a new platform. Particuarly when you consider the up-front costs of using a Mac. And while there are certainly benefits to computing in a Mac world. None of them are great enough to cause me to buy a new computer that would give me essentially the same use that I get now out of my PC. So, if Apple wants my business, they are going to have to try harder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im glad to hear you're off the apple fence..... PCs are the best!