Have you ever found yourself with an unexpected amount of time or money? And because you didn't expect it, you become overwhelmed with the situation and it ends up shutting down your brain? That happened to me yesterday. I always tell myself, "Man, if I would definately do ..., if I had a couple of free hours to do it." Then I got a couple of free hours yesterday, and ended up doing nothing productive with it. I mean, unless you call playing video games, emptying the dishwasher, and playing a song or two on the guitar a productive two hours, then I guess I blew the opportunity. Oh well.
I hate how the super bowl has to be two weeks after the championship games. It throws off my football watching rhythm too much. I mean, every Sunday during the regular and playoff season, I know that I can come home from church with the anticipation of a good football game to watch. But this Sunday I came home to nothing. For the first time in about 19 weeks, I had to come home to nothing on Sunday. No football. Why? Because the superbowl has to be two weeks later. That stinks. A football fan's rhythm shouldn't have to be maligned like that. This is why nobody cares about the pro bowl. By the time the pro bowl comes on, your average footall fan is watching PGA Golf and thinking about his golf swing.
We became members of our church this past Sunday. We are now officially members of Wheatland Presbyterian Church. We had actually transfered membership from Chapelgate Presbyterian Church, but had to go through some red tape to get our membership. This is the second church that I have ever been a member of. To be honest, our last church membership didn't really do much for us. The church was so big, that we felt like ants anyways. Wheatland is much smaller, so hopefully we can settle in a little better here. We already know a lot more people here , due to Meg's prior involvement here. Its also nice to be a member of the church where we were married.
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