Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Little Buddy

Since my wife has been writing her own blog, I haven't really been mentioning too much about my kids or anything these days. Meg does a pretty good job of keeping everyone informed on how they are growing and changing and the silly little things that they say or do. However, being the "man with the camera" around my house, I figured that it should be only fitting to say that lately, I've been pretty invested in capturing a lot of photos of Liam, aka: "Little Buddy". He's just perfect for the camera, in that, unlike Audrey, he's not moving every 2 seconds at 100mph (probably because he's still learning that part). It also helps that he's an extremely handsome little guy (note the parental bias). In any case, here are some recent photos of his cuteness in action:





Meg said...

Can you say..."Deer in headlights" for that first pic. He's a cute little buddy (note parental bias).

aahcoffee said...

Very, very, very cute!!!

aahcoffee said...

Hey, we have the same background!