Thursday, August 23, 2007

Things to do before September 4th

  1. Move server to new building
  2. Set up server to manage/authenticate all users on network.
  3. Learn how to properly do the second thing on my list.
  4. Learn new phone system at new building.
  5. Set up 2 wireless access points for BIC Church.
  6. Install and re-image 25 desktop computers.
  7. Add new student and teacher accounts to active directory group.
  8. Create new group policies for staff.
  9. Review/edit student group policy.
  10. Add all teacher computers to the domain.
  11. Set up new staff members with computers.
  12. Install wireless access points in new building.
  13. Set up teacher computer and networked printer at Sandhill Road Campus.
  14. Find storage and move extra computers to storage.
  15. Install computer clusters in several teacher classrooms.
  16. Review and plan curriculum and lessons for Spanish 3
  17. Review and plan curriculum and lessons for Spanish 4
  18. Review and plan curriculum and lessons for Spanish 8th Grade
  19. Review curriculum and plan lessons for Digital Photography Course
  20. Review curriculum and plan lessons for Intro to HTML Course.
  21. Review curriculum and plan lessons for Modern Tech Essentials Course
  22. Review all School Technology Program Curriculum (Grades 7 and 9).
  23. Assist Meg on the delivery of our second child.
  24. See Simpsons Movie with Brock.


Meg said...

I'll help you breath, if you help me.

Anonymous said...

You forgot "see a movie with Brock"!

Anonymous said...

Can I help with item #3? I'm an expert! I produce a ton of #2!

Anonymous said...

no baby yet? :)