Monday, July 25, 2005

A New Name for Windows

The news of the recent name for the new Operating System soon to be released by Microsoft has had mixed reactions. The new name, formerly known by its codename "Longhorn" will be Windows Vista. As we've seen in the past, Microsoft rarely takes to continuing any sort of naming scheme that makes sense. Look at the list: Win 2.0, Win 3.1, Win 95, Win 98, Win 98 Second Edition, Win NT, Win Millenium Edition, Win 2000, Win XP, and now Win Vista. If you can see any sort of rational pattern in that, let me know. Anyways, I have some ideas that I've come up with or seen others suggest that might perhaps be a better name for the new Operating System from Microsoft:

1. Windows Contaminated
2. Windows Security Vulnerability Edition
3. Windows Patches
4. Windows OS X Elephant
5. Windows Two-Thousand-Something
6. Windows Crash
7. Windows Shiny Blue
8. Windows Virus Lovers Edition
9. Windows Limited Support Edition
10. Windows Service Pack Collector's Edition

Got any more ideas for names? Feel free to add a few.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Danger of Babies

Two days ago I was giving my 19 pound 11 month old baby girl a bath when, as I lifted her out of the tub, a sharp pain suddenly shot through my lower back immobilizing me temporarily. Several minutes later, I would foolishly attempt to something of considerably less weight only to make things altogether worse for me. The pain was so bad I couldn't move. The only two positions I could tolerate were standing or lying down. As I write this blog, the pain still exists to a point where I find that I can only tie my shoes or put on socks with the accompanied severe pain surging through my lower back. Despite the fact that I'm a 28 year old guy complaining about back aches due to the stress of lifting 19 pounds, what was even more humorous was the look on my daughter's face as I screamed out in pain during that initial injury. She had this, "Uh, Dad? Are you okay?" look on her face. All of this is written to warn those of you who don't suspect it. Babies are dangerous. So if you're considering having any children, just keep that in mind. And I suspect that the more children you have, the more maimed and injured you will become. Just a word of caution.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Making the World a Better Place

I was listening to a quote from an astronaut today, talking about the launching of the space shuttle. The news was that the shuttle launch was delayed due to repairs, etc. What struck me was how he mentioned that they were eager to get back to doing their jobs and "making the world a better place". Excuse me? So, sending an astronaut into outer space to examine rocks and study radio waves is going to someday prevent massacres in Kenya, and feed the starving in India, and save unborn children from being aborted? Maybe it will stop the terrorist attacks? Nah. None of that. But perhaps they might find a new moon rock that could prove that the moon used to be a part of the Earth or something. And then maybe I can take that moon rock and throw it at their head. Sorry, call me when your billions of dollars in expenses pay for themselves or for things a little bit more crucial saving lives and promoting peace.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Shut it off!!!

I was reading an interesting article discussing The PCTurnoff initiative which is being promoted for the week of August 1st through 7th. The plan is to keep kids from spending their entire summer in front of a computer screen and promoting them to do something most kids don't do much these days: Play. The site leads to a few articles and facts of interest on the benefits of play.
This article discusses the benefits and rewards of play for children. I totally agree with this. As a child, I remember spending a lot of time playing with my friends and my brothers in our neighborhood. Exploring woods, playing football, baseball, climbing trees, etc. Those are things that I remember and wouldn't trade for anything. Some of our kids today will be spending most of their adult lives in a cubicle in front of a computer screen. Why start them early? Why create a social and interactive culture that grows only via the internet? Get em' out there! Let them play? Un-plug that computer!!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Some people have no line as to what they will do for money.

This story is yet another example.

News and Rants

This morning the nation learned that NY City will NOT be hosting the 2012 Olympic games. It appears that a recent poll of New Yorkers has revealed more of a sigh of relief. Now they won't have to deal with epic porportions of gridlock traffic, and serious security lock-down issues. From what most people are saying, despite its grandeur in the past, the Olympics don't quite have the appeal to Americans as it used to. Reasons being that now, without a cold-war, we no longer have a big rivalry with Russia, and that most of the major sports in the olympics are not as big in the U.S., as they are in the rest of the World. They say that for most other countries, the Olympic celebration lasts for weeks. Its a grandeur sporting event. For Americans, its little more than a two-week entertainment venue.

NFL training camp for the 2005 season begins in about a month. I can't wait. Baseball season just drags out too long to keep my interests, and golf just isn't a sport most people can follow week by week. BRING ON THE FOOTBALL!!!

I'm going to start riding my bike again. I'm going to try and commit to a plan of getting up every morning at 5am and biking two miles around my neighborhood. If I somehow find the willpower to do this, two things will happen for my benefit: 1. I'll lose weight, which is something I've been wanting to do for the past 2 years. 2. I'll start my day with some exercise, which is sorely needed. I sit all day long at work as a programmer.