Tuesday, September 23, 2008

As I've gotten older...

As I've gotten older, I've learned a few things about myself:

1. I used to hate drinking coffee, and now each year I prefer it stronger.
2. I get injured doing something one time that I used to do repeatedly all day long.

As I've gotten older, I've learned a few things about news and media:

1. News has been thrown out the door to make room for political bias and agendas.
2. Everyone has a right to do and believe anything that they want as long as they are not Republicans or Christians.

As I've gotten older, I've learned a few things about my family:

1. My wife is the only reason I'm not currently lying dead in a ditch somewhere.
2. My kids are obviously going to be better looking than I ever have been or will be.
3. A 1-year old male child can easily eat just as much, if not more than a 4 year old female child on any given day.
4. No matter how many photos I take and how much I study photography, my wife will always be able to pick up the camera and randomly take a photo (with little effort) that will exceed in quality to anything I've ever taken.

As I've gotten older, I've learned a few things about my job:

1. A properly working computer is always just a temporary condition.
2. Things don't break unless you're busy.
3. Teachers have more patience for kids than they do for technology.
4. When a teacher says, "I have a huge problem", that means that its an easy fix. But when they say, "I know that this is probably not a big deal but...", that means I will soon be facing the biggest technological challenge of my life and career.


Meg said...

I'm very certain it is not I that keeps you from lying in a ditch somewhere, but our Almighty God!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great laugh! That is exactly what I needed right now.

I will make sure that whenever I have computer issues I address them to you as a "big problem". :-)
