Monday, September 01, 2008

Liam Turns 1!

Fresh off of a 4 year-old birthday party, we were back in the saddle again for a 1 year birthday party for our little Liam. This party was a small gathering of just family members, however, the company always manages to make it feel like a lively and exuberant celebration either way. From homemade pizza and baseball cupcakes to duck-duck-goose games and tango dancing, there was plenty of fun to go around. Check out the photos from the event below:

Liam's First Birthday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of Liam and Audrey's birthdays. I enjoyed looking through them. It looks like you all had a blast. It is hard to believe that Liam is already a year old and Audrey is four! Wow! They grow up so fast! Congrats to both you and Meg.
