Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tips for Stunning Camera Phone Pictures

I recently found an excellent article on how to take great photos with a camera phone. I figured that you all would appreciate what the article had to say, so here it is:

Camera phones have become very popular these days and a lot of people take them everywhere they go. So, how you can take great, amazing, stunning, jaw-dropping pictures using your camera phone?
  1. Pick up your camera phone and turn it on
  2. Walk three steps to the left
  3. Walk three steps to the right
  4. Put the camera phone back in your pocket or purse
  5. Pick up a DSLR or a real digital camera
  6. Adjust the camera settings for your environment
  7. Compose the picture
  8. And shoot
We hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial :) Copyright (c)

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