Monday, June 02, 2008

Woops, a wee bit hasty...sorry. :-(

The more I started posting on my new photoblog site, the more I began to feel a little less focused on my art. I started posting more for the sake of getting an image up there, and from it I felt less satisfied with about 50 percent of it. I want my art to have significant meaning to me, and recently, I've been feeling like I have been mass-producing it. For that, I would like to apologize.

I have also been noticing that the new photoblog hosting site degrades the image quality of my images, unless I pay for some sort of "plus" account. After reflecting on it all, I realize that the former photoblog, allowed me more flexibility and no degradation of my images. Therefore I am going to return to my first location at wordpress, and continue posting there. I have also found a new blog template that is more suitable for photoblogging. I hope you all like it, and again, I apologize for the flip-flopping and any confusion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I have to update that RSS link one more time... ;)