Dear Windows Vista,
We've been together for over a year now and it has been quite an interesting relationship. Since day one you've done your little song and dance. You've bragged about your new features and improvements to me. You've shown me that you can run as reliably as the other guy. I was almost impressed.
Then one day you decided that you couldn't live with some of my friends. You scoffed at my printer when I just wanted him to work with us both. You told me that you'd not ever plan on being friends with some of my favorite applications that the OS in my previous relationship got along with so well.
You've also decided to nag me constantly when all I wanted to do was my normal routine. You are so paranoid about the simplest of security issues. It's practically all you think about. Then there was the day that you let me down completely. I was attempting to help some people at work with their networking problems. You did all that you could to confuse me and complicate everything. You haven't costed me my job, but I'm thinking that if things continue with you, my reputation at work might be jeopardized.
You are so demanding. You want the best computers and you require so much more than anyone else. You are already getting ready for major therapy for a bunch of issues. Rumor has it that the therapy could make you worse.
It is therefore sad that I have to end this relationship. I gave you months to change. I waited for you to get along and I tried to get used to your idiosyncrasies but to no avail. Therefore, I've decided that its time for us to go our separate ways. I was much happier with my last OS. He might have been a little clumsy with security, and maybe he doesn't have your bells and whistles, but he's reliable for me and he never complains. Don't take it personally. Okay, maybe you should. We're through.
"Nooooo!! Albert, I can change, give me one more chance! Have you seen my transparency and shadows? Actually, if your computer is older, probably not...well I have other cool things, like desktop Widg...err...Gadgets! What about them? You'll be back!" - Windows Vista
There's a lot I like about Vista, but I can identify with you. Having to upgrade a lot of programs was especially annoying. At this point, I'm happy with Vista on my desktop but I decided to go with XP on my laptop. I was worried that it wouldn't run Vista as smoothly.
But, but, but...what about all these great features??
I can be just like that OTHER OS! Oh, and don't believe the hype about that new sub-notebook. Having a machine that can fit in a manila envelope is SOOO overrated!
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