Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Starting over.

Taken in February of 2018. Canon 6D 47mm f/22 1sec ISO 100
Don't ever be afraid to start over. Sometimes we need to walk away from what we are doing and the ideas and habits that we are engrossed in in order to think clearly. For myself, that was a major life change of moving out of state and starting a new job in a brand new area that I knew very little about. It took months before I even touched my camera. And it has taken about 18 months before I've even felt the confidence to use it again for my own amusement.

But with that being said, the time off was well-needed. It has given me new perspectives and opened my eyes to what matters in terms of where I should focus my art. This would not have happened to me otherwise, and my work would have probably not gotten better. Is it great now? Not really, but I can feel improvements in how I approach image making, and that's worth a lot.

So give yourself a break if you feel stuck. Commit to returning to something you used to love doing (hopefully, photography is that thing) and try to approach it with new eyes. You never know the things that you will learn from that.

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