Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today is a good day.

Despite the lack of sleep, today is turning out to be a good day after all. I have just been given word that the school has officially hired a Spanish teacher. Here's the drama on that whole event: This past year, our Spanish teacher left and the school couldn't find a replacement. Well, actually they found me and a computer course to replace her. I ended up being assigned Spanish 3 and 4 and the 1 and 2 students were placed on an online program for Spanish (still trying to figure out how they can learn like that, but hey, its the 21st century, so, whatever). I've been having fun with teaching the Spanish class, and its really brought back a lot of the language I've lost over the past 5 years since I last taught it. However, my heart has not been totally in it. I love the Spanish language, and I spent 4 years of college and almost 5 years of teaching time with it. However, my new role as a computer teacher/technology coordinator has certainly been my preference of jobs. Doing both makes me realize that my passion definitely is for computers more so than Spanish. So let me sum up this whole post: They hired a Spanish teacher. YIPEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :-)


Meg said...


Anonymous said...

Que bien!