Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'm back (2-1-07 post)

Not that anyone is paying that much attention, but I'm finally taking the time to write more. I've been caught up with work and holidays and work and, did I mention work? Well, needless to say, I found a sliver of time to write.
I decided to recently become an early adopter of Windows Vista. I can't say that I've found anything to do back-flips about over it. It certainly has a nice interface and some neat eye-candy (if you are using the Aero features). However, when you've become used to so much not changing for 6 years in Windows XP, its a bit intimidating. I certainly applaud the fact that Microsoft has updated the operating system with some better and more useful applications. The Windows Calendar is quite useful, and well-integrated with Microsoft Mail. However it turns out that Microsoft Mail is little more than Outlook Express with some small changes. Another really cool application is the windows snipping tool. It allows you to take great screenshot clips anywhere. No more annoying pastes of a yucky bmp file into a Word or Mail document. Its actually quite handy. Well, I'll not make any more comments until I play with it more, but this is my impression as of one weeks use. There's plenty more to say about it, so stay tuned.

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