Monday, January 30, 2006

Entry for 1/30/06

this is one of the most disturbing articles I've ever read about the Chinese...
...actually, I'd like to add that another disturbing thing about the Chinese is that they eat dogs...of course, so do a lot of asian cultures.
This is one of the funniest sites I've seen in a while. Check out the videos:
Wanting their cake and eating it too, people now move to desparate measures to enjoy the best of both Operating System worlds on one machine:

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Father and Daughter celebrate Steeler Championship victory

This is a pic of Audrey and me as we celebrate the Steeler victory over the Broncos to win the AFC Championship game. Some things we're just born into. :-) Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 20, 2006

Entry for 1/20/06

A lazy way to sort your socks:
Mac users shouldn't kick back when it comes to security:
A personal switcher's story about switching to a Mac:
I have stopped using Mozilla Firefox for about a month now. I was disgusted with its slow launching and memory hogging. On top of that was always the ramdom site that just didn't want to render correctly. Needless to say, open-source worshippers and the tech media have had nothing but good things to say about this browser since its inception. Granted, Firefox is a HUGE improvement over IE6 right now. However, there are many other options out there, such as Opera ( or Maxthon (, which can easily give it a run for its money. Furthermore, I found an interesting article below which helps put to rest some of the hype on Firefox. It is a great read for those who think that Firefox is bullet-proof:
The truth about Mozilla Firefox:
..and this just in: I got my hands on a Beta version of IE7. All I can say is, wow. There are some kinks in it, but the coolest feature I've ever seen is the thumbnail feature you can view when you have multiple tabs open. Very very cool!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Entry for 1/11/06

This site is pretty cool. It really expands upon the idea of an online word processor. But even more so by offering you an entire online office-type suite to create power points, spreadsheets, etc. It also offers up to 30 MB of storage etc. Pretty cool. I still like writely though, for ease of use and the fact that you don't need to download so many java applets. Check it out below.

ThinkFree Office Online it turns out that Apple dropped an Intel chip into its products a whole 6 months earlier than predicted. That's awesome. While I am not anywhere near in the market to buy a Mac and make the switch (it would be hard to justify dropping 1,000 bucks on a computer when you already have 2 working computers already), I am keeping my eyes and ears open tight for feedback on this new change. I'm also curious to see what windows Vista is like when it finally comes out in the year 3015. It will be interesting to compare the two operating systems.

My website (not my blog, but actual website) is becoming an issue in the back of my mind. It seems to consistently be way out of date with pictures and news. I have yet to write a smooth interface for updating any of it. Not only that, but Meg is taking pictures at a pace too insane to keep up with. I am going to need to get myself into a project of re-writing the programming on our website to allow her to do picture uploads and content editing. This way I can at least get both of us keeping the content active. Now, if I can only find the time to do this... :-)